The Secret Calculator was invented to better protect your privacy. Therefore, we strive to minimize the amount of data we collect about our users. We have prepared this document to provide you with a better understanding of what data we collect and how we use it.
While we would like to keep no data at all, we do collect some information to help us improve our service. In this section, we outline the different types of data we collect and explain why it is important to us (i.e. how we use it.)
We check and store what timezone you are in (e.g. America/New_York) and what language (e.g. en-US) your device is set to. We collect this information to learn how our users are distributed over the world and what markets to concentrate on.
We store the number of albums, photos, notes, passwords, contacts, and bookmarks you store within the application. We use this information to gain a better understanding of how our users use the service and what areas we should focus on when improving the application. We do not store the content of these files, only the quantities*.
We count and store the number of times you open the app and the total time you have used the app. We also store the date on which you started using the app and the date on which you last opened the app. We collect this information to learn how much our app is being used and to measure changes in engagement.
We store what upgrade offers you are given, how often you see them, for how long you see them and what option you chose. We collect this data to better understand how our users react to upgrade offers and how we can modify the offers to improve our service from both a business' and a user's point of view.
If you are a premium user and have signed up to use the cloud service, we will store some or all of your files in our cloud service. This data is only used when requested by you, and will not be used by anyone else but you.
We store some of your app settings, such as your passcode to the calculator (i.e. 1234,) your synchronization preferences (i.e wifi-only,) what upgrades you have purchased (i.e. premium), and whether or not you have selected to use the cloud service (i.e. true.) We also store some predefined settings such as the maximum allowed number of files (i.e. 20) and upgrade trial length (if applicable.) If you provide any feedback through the app, we store the information you submit. This information is necessary in order for the app to function and we store it to better understand how the service is being used.
We collect what operative system your device uses (e.g. iOS,) what version of operative system your device uses (e.g. 9.2.1,) what model your device is (e.g. iPhone 5,) how much free storage space your device has, and what version of the app you use. We use this information to know the technical capabilities and limitations of our users so that we can make the app work for as many users as possible.
Unless you have created an account with your email address, we do not store any personally identifiable information about you. If you have created an account, we store your email address so that we can contact you regarding the service and so that you can access your files in the cloud service.
We will only share any personal data when it is necessary for the service to function, when it is legally required, or when you give us your permission. For the service to function, the collected data will be provided to different hosting and database services. If the ownership of the service were to change, your information may be transferred to the new owner to keep offering the service. In any such transfer of data, your personal information would remain subject to this section.
We will retain your data for the purposes stated in this document until your account is deleted. After that we may retain anonymous data collected through the app. If you use the cloud service, we will remove all your uploaded files from the service upon your account deletion.
You have the following rights in relation to the personal data we hold about you, unless provided otherwise by local law.
For any requests, please contact us at In order to confirm your identity, we may need additional information from you to handle your request. Upon receiving a request, we may take up to 30 days to process it. If additional time is needed, we will inform you about the circumstances.
We have taken administrative and technical measures we believe are sufficient to protect the data we store. We do however acknowledge the risk that a determined attacker could defeat our security systems and gain access to the data we seek to protect, thus we can never guarantee its absolute security.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at